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Miguel Navalón



Miguel Navalón, CEO of Navlandis, is a MSc Civil Engineer by the Politechnical University of Valencia, and graduated as MBA by ESIC, Business & Marketing School. Previously, he was co-founder and managing partner of ENNiA, a company ofering technical services in engineering, architecture and urban planning, complementing his activity as Associate Professor at University Jaume I in Castellón. Now, Miguel is founder and CEO of Navlandis, a startup with a strong R&D component, focused in logistics technologies, that dreams in a more efcient and sustainable transport. His frst development is Zbox a new patented foldable container, to optimize the relocation of empty containers, reducing their operating costs and their environmental impact. Zbox has the same features than the standard container, but it can be folded when it’s empty, and bundled 5 containers in the volume of 1, reducing 50% of the cost, 80% of space, and 20% of CO2 emissions.